سيڪشن؛  شخصيات

ڪتاب: مون مطالع سپرين


صفحو :7


Makhdoom Khaliq-ul-Zaman 'Khaliq'



My poet


Nature is a constant source of inspiration. To nurse the curiosity of human mind, God has provided us with water, milk, honey, fruits, vegetables, flowers, fragrance beauty, love and poetry.

The universe is full with the world of amazing phenomenon and the world is full of astonishing factor of life, some sweet some bitter. For a while let us forgot about the bitter facts of life and travel into a fragrant reality called poetry.

The poetry depicts the image of the treasures, poet possesses in the vicnity of his mental environment and an environment of perfection is found in few and the few are never forgotten, of the few I have decided to write on one of the few and the one I am writing on is, "Talibul moula"

It was 9th of Moharram-ul-Harram the blustering burning sun rose to its hights and the world was enlarged with the birth of a child, whose youth was a symbol of obedience and manhood has always been a source of great relief and comfort for the people in plight.

The history repeats itself. Yes, that is why I feel Saeedee resurected Khayyam rejuvenated and Hafiz reincarnated. To prove my point I will give a few examples below:


مادر پياله عڪسِ رخِ يار ديده ايم

اي بي خبر زلذتِ شربِ مدام ما



قدح گران ۾ پاڻ نظر مون کي آئيو

منهنجو شرابِ سرخ حقيقت شعار هو



مايدين در نه پي حشتم وجاه آمده ايم

از بدِ حادثه اين جا به پناه آمده ايم



پنهنجي ڀاڪر ۾ وٺي ساقي ڪا ڏي مون کي پناه

اقتدارن جي اجهي تان هٿ کڻي موٽيو آهيان



مزرعِ سبزِ فلک ديدم و داسِ مہِ نو

يادم ازِ کشتئه خوش آمد و هنگام در



سنگ جي عزت ۽ عظمت ئي تڏهن ايندي نظر

جنهن گهڙي ڏانٽو پوي ۽ ٿي وڃي ڪانن جي ڀينگ



هر عيب که سلطان به پسندد هنر است



هر هنر که سلطان نه پسندد عيب است



هر مقتدر قصور ڪندي بي قصور آه

هر ڪو ڏسي گناهه سوين بي گناهه ۾



بس تجربه کر ديم درين دارِ مکفات

با درد کشان هر که در افتاد بر افتاد



ياد رکجو جن به مستن سان ڪئي ڪا هٿ چراند

ياد رکجو ٿي وڃي ٿي اهڙي فرزانن جي ڀينگ



هر چند که رنگ و بو زيبا ست مرا

چون لاله رخ و سرو بالا ست مرا

معلوم نشد که طرب خانئه خاک

نقاش ازل از بهرچه آراست مرا


The philosophic ideas seem to be frequently used in this collection like:


دشمني چاهين ته اڄ ڪلهه جا وڃي ڪي يار ڳول

دوستي رکجان ڀلي پر يار از راهِ مذاق


عقلمند آهي اهو جو بي وقوفن سان ٺهي

بيوقوف ئي ٿا بنائن پنهنجو فرزانن سان سنڱ


هڪڙي شيءِ جي پرک لاءِ ٻي مختلف شيءِ ٿي کپي

عاقلن جي ثابتي دنيا ۾ ٿو جاهل ٿئي


I Have also noticed that individualism has also been touched in quite a few ghazals like:


وڃان ٿو جادهء منزل وٺيو همت ۽ قوت سان

مان پنهنجي آرزوئن جو اميرِ ڪاروان آهيان


پنهنجي هستي سان ئي آه هن جي بقا طالب الموليٰ ان ۾ نه ٿبو فنا

پائي آغوش هن ساڻ باهم ٿجي پاڻ ان ۾ ڪڏهن ڪين مدغم ڪجي.


There are ghazals in this Dewan which have to be read in full to enjoy the beautiful language so profoundly demonstrated in them. One of such Ghazals is:


رشڪِ بخت سيہ رشڪِ تاريڪ شب هن جا زلف دوتا خوشنما خوشنما

الله الله جبين ضو فشان ضو فشان جلوه گر جلوه گر يا خدا يا خدا


Move one does, but is it successful? Play one does, but is it enjoyable? Sleep one does. But is it peaceful? Breath one does, but is it fresh? Smell one does, but is it fragrant? Smile one does, but is it pleasant? Cry one does, but is it painful? Love one does, but is it true? These and many other facts of life are the topics of contemplation on which my poet has expressed his opinion.

I find myself a dwarf to write on gigantic works called "Dewan-e-talibulmaula". I am not even a poet of recognition, nor I am an authority on poetry. Yet my insatiable quest for shairee lurid me to go through this masterpiece. And after reading it, I could not help, but begun to put my feelings on paper which has become the article of today. To begin which, I do not think my self competent enough to write anything about the "preface" of this book. I leave this to the experts of Sindhi language and other scholars to debate on it.

As far Ghazals of Diwan are concerned, I find them communicative to the human race. They are reciprocative to the quaries of human mind.

The works decorated in this book are from 30s to 80s of 20th century. This treasure of 50 years has variety and depth.

Talibulmaula has incredible ability and tremendous power of expression. As believed, he is not only the poet of romance but has also written on mysticism, humanism, individualism, philosophy and many other subjects of poetry.

In his Dewan he has shown us the classic example of perfect use of language, Phrases, Comparisons, Contrasts, colloquil, impression, examples, thought, imagination, behavior, reactions and excellent use of words.

Every verse of this masterpiece is a world of poetry in itself. In this category comes many other ghazals such as:


مضمر آهي گل يار جي غنچه دهني ۾

اسرار هويدا ٿا ٿين خنده زني ۾


My poet in his shairee has put much emphasis upon the features of beloved's face or shown its resemblance with moon and sun. But what is more appealing and artistic is when he exploits the wisdom of shairee by writing verses such as:

وهوا شبا بي سرخي وئي پنهنجو ڪم ڪري

تنهنجي ڪري سفيد، لڳي ٿو نقاب سرخ


Or the greatness of this expression so delicately beautified in the verse below:


مون کي ڏسڻ سان دلربا زلفن ۾ منهن ڍڪيو

سمجهم ته صبح سان ئي اڄ سج لهي ويو


And how can the connoisseurs of poetry remain without expressing most esteemed/ praise after reading the following verse:


محبوب پنهنجي رخ مٿان لاٿو کڻي نقاب

تارا به خنده زن ٿيا ماهر تمام تي


Now I will present a few verses of my choice from different ghazals of this Dewan.

نئون صفحو -- ڪتاب جو ٽائيٽل صفحو --گذريل صفحو

ٻيا صفحا 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

هوم پيج - - لائبريري ڪئٽلاگ

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